• We are currently asking for parent volunteers to join any one of our committees:


    Public Relations Committee: Help tell our story, maintain/update DCS brochure and website, coordinate with Event Committee.


    Events Committee: Help plan after school events and public events such as; science nights,  soup luncheons, parades and outdoor activities that relate to Discovery Charter School.


    Garden/CES Grounds: While the home base for learning is inside the school classroom, the gardens on campus provide critical roles in DCS curricula. Please consider helping to keep our gardens looking good and functioning properly,  (weeding & watering our DCS plants), especially over summer break! (weeding & watering our DCS gardens/plants)


    Contact the DCS council at dcs@columbus.k12.wi.us

    The council would like to thank the great teachers, administration, and staff for the extra time they put into making the Discovery Charter School an exceptional learning institution!

    Thank you also to the current and past DCS Council members for your time, dedication, and ideas that help strengthen DCS. Your ongoing support and involvement make a huge difference to our school and community!